Author Interview: Kate Scott


Welcome to one of today’s stops for the 2014 Debut Authors Bash, hosted by YAReads!

I am SUPER excited introduce all of you to Kate Scott! Kate Scott debuted in February with her stand alone, young adult novel Counting to D and she is here today to talk to us about it!

Hey, Kate Scott! Welcome to Between Printed Pages, we’re so happy to have you here today~

I’m excited to be here!

Before we start, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I tend to keep myself very busy and always have a million things going on in my life. I’ve always loved making up stories, so even though publishing is new to me, writing isn’t. In addition to being an author, I’m also an engineer, and a mentor to at-risk-youth. Basically, I enjoy adventure in real life, and when real life gets dull, I make up fiction.

As a debut author, you must to extremely excited (and nervous) about getting your work out there. What/Who inspired you to start writing?

That’s a tough question to answer, because making up stories is something I’ve always loved. My uncle was a professional artist who passed away a few years ago. Even though we create in very different mediums, he was probably one of my biggest inspirations. He proved to me that creative people can actually make a career out of creating things.

18518158How has your life contributed to Counting to D? Why did you believe that this story had to be told?

Sam, the main character in Counting to D, is dyslexic. I am also dyslexic, and it is definitely not an accident that my first novel has a dyslexic main character. I’ve always felt that dyslexia isn’t accurately depicted in fiction and wanted to share an honest account of the teenage dyslexic experience. That being said, this book is still very much fiction. It’s just fiction with a personal touch.

What is your writing process like? What was the hardest part about writing Counting to D?

I’m definitely a pantser. I’ve tried outlining, but it just doesn’t work for me. When I’m drafting, I tend to write very fast, which is fabulous, but then I need to spend A LOT of time revising. Making sure all the various scenes that pop into my head actually fit together into something resembling a plot is probably the hardest thing for me. Well, that and spelling. I’m a very bad speller. But that’s what copy editors are for.

What was the publishing process like for you? What is your advice for others who are trying to get their stories out there?

I had a well-respected literary agent for about two years before I opted to pursue indie-publishing. Figuring out how to get books in brick-and-mortar stores without a traditional publisher is a challenge, but I’m still very glad I opted to go the indie route. The publishing world is changing a lot, and authors have the option to gain a lot more artistic freedom as a result.

So I guess my advice for pre-published authors, is don’t be afraid to dream big and imagine your own publication path. It doesn’t have to be the same dream as you had a decade ago, because the publishing landscape today is very different than it was even a year ago.

What are three songs that describe Counting to D?

I Wanna Be Like Me by Sara Bareilles

Tell Me a Story by Phillip Phillips

Underdog by Imagine Dragons

What are three books you believe everyone should take a chance on?

Counting to D, The Evolution of Emily, and … Just kidding. The problem with this question is that the world has way more than three fabulous books!

I’m going to say My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick, Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen, and Wintergirls by Laurie Halts Anderson. Those are three of my favorite books, although they are only three books on a very long list.

Aside from reading and writing, what do you do in7276965 your spare time? Any unusual hobbies?

I love camping and hiking, although that isn’t very unusual. I’m also a big fan of video games, and jigsaw puzzles. My favorite thing to do is spend time with my friends and family.

Oh, my husband collects rusty metal. That is definitely unusual! I don’t want to fully claim this hobby for myself, because it’s way too easy to make fun of, but I do own a century old steam powered tractor. So yeah, maybe I’m a bit more eccentric than I like to pretend.

Last, but not least, what is your favourite word?

Life. Because the only value words have is their meaning and life is my favorite thing.

Thank you so much, Kate Scott, for taking the time to answer our questions! Congratulations on your debut release, and we hope to see more from you soon!

You won’t have to wait too long. My sophomore novel, The Evolution of Emily, is coming out this November.

Thanks again for having me here today; it was a lot of fun.

Author Links:
Website | Twitter | Facebook

Buy Links:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

To commemorate Kate Scott’s debut and success, we’re also hosting a giveaway!

Open internationally. We’re giving away 1 ebook of Counting to D by Kate Scott!

Contest ends September 30, 2014 at midnight EST!

Fill out the form below to enter!

Cover Reveal: The Evolution of Emily

We’re super excited to be a part of the cover reveal for Kate Scott’s newest novel The Evolution of Emily!

Ready ??








Title: The Evolution of Emily
Author: Kate Scott
Publication Date: November 18, 2014
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Cover by Vinnie Kinsella


Emily Charles knows how to run away. Away from her overprotective, agoraphobic mother. Away from her biology-obsessed, autistic sister. Away from her quiet sheltered claustrophobic homeschooled life. When Emily’s escape plan involves starting her junior year at Kennedy High School, she realizes she’s no longer running away. Now she’s running towards. Towards her quiet thoughtful cross-country teammate, August. Towards her zany enthusiastic lab partner, Miles. Towards friendship, love, independence, and life.

Thanks to her sister’s special interest in biology, Emily knows all about the birds and the bees. Boys are a lot more confusing!

Readers who enjoyed Counting to D will enjoy Scott’s second title, also set at Kennedy High School.

About the Author:7276965

Kate Scott lives in the suburbs outside Portland, Oregon with her husband Warren. Kate was diagnosed with dyslexia as a young child but somehow managed to fall in love with stories anyway. COUNTING TO D is her first novel. When Kate isn’t writing, she enjoys listening to audiobooks, camping, and spending time with her friends and family. Kate also spends a lot of time doing math and sciency things and is a licensed professional engineer.

Author Links:
Website | Twitter | Facebook



Enter to win an advanced copy of The Evolution of Emily !